
An interactive audio and visual experience.


Senior Capstone




1 Year


Art Direction, Video Production, Project management

Development & Audio

Nick Alekhine, Adrian Bjune, and Charles Perrone


My thesis project at Northeastern University was an interactive installation that explored the idea of interactive meditation through movement, sound and visuals. As a member of a team of four, my primary role was developing the concept and managing the team towards a refined experience. Additionally, I designed and conducted user testing sessions to help inform our team’s decisions.



•   Dynamic visuals and particle system
•   Dynamic sound and music engine
•   Multi-user movement tracking
•   Gesture control


As our project evolved, our greatest challenge was creating an audio and video experiences that left the intended impact on the user. Through multiple interactions, we based our success on one key metric: did the user walk away feeling calmer?

As our project evolved, our greatest challenge was creating an audio and video experiences that left the intended impact on the user. Through multiple interactions, we based our success on one key metric: did the user walk away feeling calmer?

As our project evolved, our greatest challenge was creating an audio and video experiences that left the intended impact on the user. Through multiple interactions, we based our success on one key metric: did the user walk away feeling calmer?